

> 英语新闻 > 扎克伯格终于从哈佛毕业了 励志演讲不忘秀恩爱

扎克伯格终于从哈佛毕业了 励志演讲不忘秀恩爱

作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Mark Zuckerberg teared up during his mencement speech to Harvard graduates, telling them it is up to their generation to care about others and to fight inequality.在向哈佛大学毕业生作毕业演讲时,马克·扎克伯格痛哭流涕,并告诉他们,这一代人就是要互帮互助、消除不平等。The billionaire CEO returned to Harvard to receive an honorary degree - 13 years after he famously dropped out of the Ivy League school to focus on Facebook.近日,这位亿万富翁的CEO回到哈佛领取了一份荣誉学位--而今据他从哈佛辍学创办Facebook已经过去了13年。Change starts local. Even global changes start small - mencement speaker in Harvards history, started off reliving some of his college memories.随后扎克伯格(现在他是哈佛史上最年轻的毕业演讲者)重温了自己的一些大学回忆。

He told the graduates that he pare the attractiveness of their fellow classmates.他对毕业生们说,他曾经因为创办了Facemash(Facebook的前身网站,允许学生们评比学校女生照片)而被哈佛学校董事会约谈。His parents showed up to the school to help him pack up his belongings, and his friends threw him a goodbye party, where he met his future wife Priscilla Chan in line for the bathroom.他的父母来到学校帮他打包行李,而他的朋友们则为他开了一个告别晚会,在聚会上排队上厕所的人群中,扎克伯格第一次邂逅了未来的妻子普莉希拉·陈。Zuckerberg recounted: In what must be one of the all time romantic lines, I said:Im going to get kicked out in three days, so we need to go on a date quickly.扎克伯格回忆道:“最浪漫的一件事是我对她说:三天后我就要退学了,所以我们约会得抓紧点儿时间。”He joked: Actually, any of you graduating can use that line. I didnt end up getting kicked out -- I did that to myself. Priscilla and I started dating.他开玩笑说:“事实上,你们所有毕业生都可以用这个套路。学校并没有开除我--是我自己选择退学的。我还收获了一个女朋友。”