

> 英语新闻 > 关于霜降,你需要知道这些事


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-04 阅读: 字体:

Things you need to knoes much colder than before and frost begins to appear. Here are the things you should knomended fruit during Frosts Descent. There are many sayings about apples benefits in China, such asEat an apple after meals, even old men can be as strong as young men, just as the Western proverb goes,An apple a day keeps the doctor amended fruit during Frosts Descent, which can promote the secretion of body liquids, clear away heat and reduce sputum.


Eating duck


Its a custom to eat duck on the first day of Frosts Descent in south Fujian province and Taiwan. There is a saying in Fujian which goes,Even nourishing all year is not as good as nourishing the human body on the first day of Frosts Descent. Eating duck is a way for people there to gain weight.


Eating chestnuts


Eating chestnuts during Frosts Descent is beneficial for ones health. Chestnuts have a warm nature and sweet flavor, and are good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, invigorating the circulation of blood, relieving coughs and reducing sputum.


Eating dates


The date is one of the fruits on the market during Frosts Descent. Nutritious with a great number of vitamins, dates can nourish the blood, decrease blood pressure, and improve ones immunity. But eating too many could be harmful. Rotten dates can cause headaches and dizziness or even put peoples lives in danger.

