

> 初中英语作文 > 关于实现梦想的英语作文


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-12-14 阅读: 字体:

每个人都有自己的梦想, 都在为自己的梦想努力学习、奋斗、拼搏。你呢?当然也不例外。但是我们应该怎样学习?应该怎样用实际行动实现自己的梦想呢?

Keeping a Dream is an attitude toe different kinds of difficulties in life.

I usually get discouraged easily e bridges to success.

Besides, it's important for us to protect our dream. Dreams always lead to happiness, and success. Only when we are in pursuit of a dream can we live in a constructive way, can we satisfy our parents and shoulder the future responsibility.