

> 小学英语作文 > 如何成为一名发明家 How to become an inventor?

如何成为一名发明家 How to become an inventor?

作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-12-14 阅读: 字体:

发明创造改变了世界,长大后你想当一名发明家吗?作为一名中学生你应该怎样做?请根据以下提示,以Hoe an inventor?为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。


Hoe an inventor?

Being an inventor is many people's dream. Would you like to be an inventor? As a student, e up with ideas.

In a word, we should keep trying hard and never give up. Don't be afraid to fail.