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课文同步语境翻译 外研版 Book 3 Module 1 Europe

作者:罗林英 来源:未知 时间:2014-03-13 阅读: 字体:
杰克是美国人,他想在假期中横跨欧洲旅行(across)。首先他来到了被称为西方文明摇篮的雅典(be known as; civilization)。在雅典,他参观了很多美术馆(gallery),看到了许多雕塑并且遇到了一位著名的建筑师(sculpture; architecture)。这位建筑师告诉杰克他正在从事一项工程(work on a project),并打算使这项工程成为雅典的新标志(symbol)。
随后杰克飞越阿尔卑斯山脉(range), 来到巴黎。巴黎位于塞纳河畔(situated),有世界著名的标志性建筑——埃菲尔铁塔(landmark)。法国约有三分之二的艺术家和作家都生活在巴黎(two­thirds of)。
Jack was from America. He wanted to travel across Europe for his holidays. First, he got to Athens, which is known as the birthplace of western civilization. Here he visited a number of galleries, in which he saw many sculptures and met a famous architect. The architect told him that he was working on a project, which he planned to make as a new symbol of Athens.
Then Jack flew over a range of mountains called Alps, and reached Paris. Situated on the famous River Seine, Paris has a world­famous landmark — the Eiffel Tower. About two­thirds of France's artists and writers live in Paris.
 从世界闻名的美术馆——卢浮宫出来,杰克决定到英国去。英法之间是英吉利海峡 (between ... and ...)。英国位于欧洲的西北海岸,与法国隔海相望 (opposite)。女王统治着英国 (govern)。与别的国家相比(compared with),英国的气候更多变,但是杰克渐渐地适应了那里的气候 (little by little),他还学会了见到陌生人时说:“今天天气不错,对不对?”在英国,杰克经常看到写着“靠左边驾驶”的牌子(sign), 这一点与美国很不相同。
假期结束了。杰克打电话告诉家人他的行踪以及假期所见(whereabouts)。就钱和时间而言(in terms of),他认为这次旅行是非常值得的。
After he got out of the world­famous gallery—the Louvre, Jack decided to make a trip to the United Kingdom. Between France and England is the English Channel. The UK lies    off the northwest coast of Europe, which is opposite to France. The UK is governed by the Queen. Compared with other countries, the climate in England is more changeable, but Jack was used to it little by little. And he also learnt to talk about weather when he met strangers, such as “It's fine, isn't it?” In England, Jack often saw signs, saying “Drive Left”, which he found was quite different from in America.
Holidays ended. Jack telephoned his family about his whereabouts and what he saw during the holiday. In terms of money and time, he thought the trip was worth it.