

> 英语新闻 > 万圣节前看完13部斯蒂芬·金的电影,就能赚1300美元


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

If youve already blo has narroplete plimentary gift card to see IT Chapter 2 or Doctor Sleep in theaters.被选中参加挑战的人将收到一套“生存装备”,有毯子、手电筒、糖果、爆米花和斯蒂芬·金潮包。USDish网站还会给他们发一个能够检测脉搏的Fitbit手环,让他们在看恐怖电影的时候佩戴。所有13部电影都可以在Dish网站上观看,如果观影者还想扩大自己的电影马拉松范围,他们可以用赠送的礼品卡在影院看《小丑回魂2》或《睡梦医生》。After making it through the list and logging their experience, the website with your personal information, viewing habits, and a short essay explaining why you should get the job. Theres also an option to upload a video pitching yourself as the perfect victim.有意申请这个“理想(噩梦)体验”的人可以在USDish网站上的表格填写个人信息、观影习惯,并写一篇短文解释你获得这份工作的理由。你还可以上传一个视频,给自己拉分。Whether or not you get paid to do it, you can organize a Stephen King binge-watching session of your own.话说回来,无论你能否得到奖金,你都可以自己把斯蒂芬·金的电影刷个够。