

> 英语新闻 > 澳大利亚遭遇灾难性火灾


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-15 阅读: 字体:

Raging bushfires have razed properties in Australia and briefly spread to suburbs of Sydney, officials say.澳大利亚当局表示,势无可挡的森林大火已经将一些房屋夷为平地,并迅速蔓延到悉尼郊区。Scores of fires are still burning in Nemunities have been urged to stay apared the situation to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, when 173 people died.专家们称这一情况堪比2009年维多利亚州“黑色星期六”的森林大火,那次火灾造成173人死亡。Police are investigating reports that a fire in North Rothbury, in the Hunter Region of NSW, and at least two others, may have been started deliberately.有报告称,新南威尔士州猎人区北罗斯伯里的一场火灾以及至少另外两场火灾可能是蓄意纵火,警方正在对此进行调查。Fire authorities say a million hectares of land have burned in NSW since the fire season began in September.消防部门表示,自9月份火灾季节开始以来,新南威尔士州已有100万公顷土地遭遇火情。To the north, Queensland has also declared a state of emergency as 55 bushfires rage in the state.北部的昆士兰州也宣布进入紧急状态,该州有55起森林大火。Though it was not facing such severe weather on Tuesday, officials warned conditions could deteriorate later in the week.尽管本周二(11月12日)昆州没有遭遇如此恶劣的天气,但官员们警告称,本周晚些时候情况可能会恶化。Fire crews in South Australia were tacking about a dozen blazes, while bushfires in Western Australia also sparked emergency warnings.南澳大利亚州的消防人员正在扑灭十几起大火,而西澳大利亚州的森林大火也引发了紧急警报。Scientists and experts warn that Australias fire season has grown longer and more intense due to climate change.科学家和专家警告说,由于气候变化,澳大利亚的火灾季节变得更长、更严重。Officials have confirmed that 2018 and 2017 were Australias third and fourth-hottest years on record respectively, and last year the nation experienced its warmest summer on record.官员们已经证实,2018年和2017年分别是澳大利亚有记录以来第三和第四最热的年份,去年澳大利亚经历了有记录以来最热的夏天。The Bureau of Meteorologys State of the Climate 2018 report said climate change had led to an increase in extreme heat events and raised the severity of other natural disasters, such as drought.气象局发布的《2018年气候状况报告》称,气候变化导致极端高温事件增加,干旱等其他自然灾害的严重程度也随之提高。Even if global temperatures are contained to a 2C rise above pre-industrial levels - a limit set out in the landmark Paris accord, agreed by 188 nations in 2015 - scientists believe the country is facing a dangerous new normal.2015年,188个国家签署了具有里程碑意义的《巴黎协定》,规定与前工业化时期相比,全球气温升幅不得超过2摄氏度。即便如此,科学家们仍认为,澳大利亚正面临危险的新常态。Last year, a UN report said Australia was falling short in efforts to cut its CO2 emissions.去年,一份联合国报告称,澳大利亚在减少二氧化碳排放方面做得不够。