

> 英语新闻 > 荷兰一大学开设坟墓体验项目对抗焦虑


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-12 阅读: 字体:

Radboud University in the Dutch toes after death.该项目以拉丁语“memento mori”为箴言,意为“记住你会死”,为学生提供了一个可以一窥“死后世界”的机会。Thepurification grave is - quite traditionally - an open hole in the ground in the garden behind the student church. It is equipped fortable and meditate: below you theres earth, above - the sky.“净化坟墓”非常传统,就是在学生教堂后面的花园地上挖的坑。“坟墓”内配有一个瑜伽垫和一个枕头,这是让学生感到舒适并进行冥想的基本必需品:地为床,天为席。The grave experience can be booked for a minimum of 30 minutes and up to three hours - students decide for themselves how long they want it to last. And since the authors are offering something real, not a 21st century app-imitation version, telephones and books are prohibited during the session.学生需提前预定这一坟墓体验项目,体验时长视个人情况从30分钟到3个小时不等。由于这是真实的坟墓体验,而不是21世纪的应用模仿版本,所以体验期间禁止使用电话和阅读书籍。

The author of the idea John Hacking, who works at the student chapel, thinks that the creation would help the youth appreciate the beauty of life and realize its transience:The end of life, death, is a taboo, difficult for students ... Death is very difficult to talk about, especially when you are 18, 19, 20 years old.项目的发起人、在该校学生教堂工作的约翰·哈金认为,这一创新项目能帮助年轻人欣赏生活的美,认识到生命转瞬即逝。他说:“生命的终结,死亡,是一种禁忌,学生很难理解,尤其在还不到20岁的年纪,谈论死亡很困难。”He also believes the experience is a tool in getting away from consumerism:What you see in society, people are empty inside sometimes because some kind of nihilism. Because what do you have to do? Consume, work, nothing else, no other meaning.他还认为,这样的体验是摆脱消费主义的好办法。他说:“你在社会中看到了,人们内心有时是空虚的,因为某种虚无主义。因为你要做什么?消费,工作,没有其他东西,没有其他意义。”Ajuna Soerjadi, one of the students who tried thepurification grave experience, describes what she felt when she was inside:When you think about death, you automatically also think about life. That is because you realize that life isnt endless and that we are all going to die at one point. It makes you think about what do I want to do in life, and what do I think is the most important, what does my heart feel, what does my mind want to do.阿诸那·索尔加迪是尝试过“净化坟墓”体验的学生之一,她描述了自己当时内心的感受:“当你想到死亡时,你自然也会想到生命。那是因为你意识到生命不是无止境的,我们都会在某一时刻死去。它让你思考我在生活中想要做什么,我认为什么是最重要的,我的内心感受是什么,我心里想要做什么。”According to some students, the project is so popular they have to be wait-listed.Me and my housemate were planning on going a week ago, a week and a half ago, and we found that there is a waiting list to actually get into the grave, so its quite popular, so we didnt get the chance yet, says one of the students Sean McLaughlin.据一些学生所说,这个项目非常受欢迎,想参与还得排队等候。学生肖恩·麦克劳林说:“我和我的室友一周、一周半之前就计划要去,但是我们发现有很多人在排队等着体验,这一项目相当受欢迎啊,我们还没机会。”