

> 英语新闻 > 社交媒体上的sadfishing是什么意思?


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

A nemissioned by the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference (HMC), is based on face-to-face interviements on social media, on messaging apps or face-to-face), thus exacerbating ments that express a need for emotional support as a platform to connect ments. In addition, positive feedback can result in increased self-esteem es as it e from the first major study to analyse how heavy social media use could potentially damage mental health.这一发现来自于第一项分析大量使用社交媒体如何对心理健康造成潜在危害的大型研究。The study, published in the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health journal, indicates that while frequent use of social media does appear to be linked to having a negative impact on mental health, the effects are not direct.这项发表在《柳叶刀儿童与青少年健康》杂志上的研究表明,尽管频繁使用社交媒体似乎与对心理健康产生负面影响有关,但这种影响并不是直接产生的。Instead researchers suggest it could be down to social media users forgoing other activities, such as sleep and exercise, or that it opens the door to cyberbullying.研究人员认为,这些负面影响可能源自社交媒体用户放弃其他活动(比如睡眠和运动),或者是由于社交媒体为网络欺凌打开了大门。