

> 英语新闻 > 波音和保时捷要联手开发飞行电动汽车


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Boeing and Porsche, meet George Jetson.波音和保时捷要做飞行汽车了。The US aircraft giant and German sports car maker announced Thursday they are teaming up toexplore the premium urban air mobility market and the extension of urban traffic into airspace, througha fully electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle.这家美国飞机巨头和德国跑车制造商周四宣布要利用“全电动垂直起降工具”共同“开拓高端城市空中交通市场,将城市交通延伸至空域”。Translation: They panies plan to invest in the effort, or a target date or price range.宣告中未详细说明两家公司计划在此项目上投入多少钱和其他资源、预定日期或价格区间。Porsches parent pany, Volksbining the strengths of tpanies to address a potential key market segment of the future, says Detlev von Platen, a member of the Porsche board in charge of sales and marketing.In the longer term, this could mean moving into the third dimension of travel.保时捷负责销售和市场营销的董事会成员Detlev von Platen说:“我们要将两家全球领先公司联合起来,占据潜在的未来市场的关键部分。从长期来看,这可能意味着要进入出行的第三维度。”Boeings revenue topped $100 billion for the first time in 2018, although its sales mercial jet, the 737 Max, follopany working on next generation vehicles and aircraft.波音公司研究新一代汽车和飞机的Boeing NeXt部门的总经理Steve Nordlund说:“保时捷和波音一起带来精密工程、时尚和创新,从而加速全球城市空中交通。”