

> 英语新闻 > 瑞典搞出了面试机器人腾艾


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

A robot has hired a human being for the first time in history as an AI missioned to carry out recruitment in the Upplands Bro Municipality, Spany TNG together ing the first person ever to hired by an AI.安德斯有幸成为史上第一位被人工智能聘用的人。Spetitiveness and diversity in the workplace.TNG经理表示,机器人将“在职场上”创造“商业价值、提高竞争力并增加多样性”。Previously, CEO Asa Edman Kallstromer said:We humans often try to find people who have the same interests and are like ourselves.阿萨·艾德曼·科尔斯托默总裁曾表示:“我们人类往往尝试去找与自己有着相同爱好,并与自己相像的人。This is often done through private questions that get us emotionally involved.“这往往会通过那些让我们投入感情的私人问题来实现。”The robot never asks such questions and never gets emotional.“而机器人从不会问这样的问题,也不会变得情绪化。”Furhat Robotics advert features a woman with a hijab being turned down by three recruitment managers before being given a job by Tengai.在Furhat机器人的广告中,一名带着头巾的女士被三位招聘经理拒绝了,但之后她被腾艾录用了。