

> 英语新闻 > 全球每40秒就有一人死于自杀


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

The number of people e countries, high-ine countries had the highest rate, at 11.5 per 100,000 people, WHO said.世界卫生组织称:“尽管世界上79%的自杀发生在中低收入国家,高收入国家的自杀率却是最高的,每10万人中有11.5人自杀。”

Nearly three times as many men as e countries, in contrast to loe countries, mon method of suicide. For example, in Sri Lanka, a series of bans on highly hazardous pesticides led to a 70% decrease in suicides, saving an estimated 93,000 lives from 1995 and 2015. Similarly, in South Korea, a ban on the herbicide paraquat was followed by a 50% decrease in suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning from 2011-2013.世界卫生组织称,降低全球自杀率的方法之一就是限制人们获取杀虫剂(农药)的渠道,农药、上吊和枪支是自杀最常用的三种方法。举例来说,在斯里兰卡,对高风险农药的一系列禁令导致自杀率下降了70%,据估计在1995年到2015年期间拯救了9.3万条生命。韩国也出台了一个类似的百草枯(除草剂)禁令,导致2011年到2013年间喝农药自杀的死亡人数下降了50%。Other steps the WHO said have helped reduce suicides include educating the media on how to report responsibly on suicide, identifying people at risk early and helping young people build skills that help them cope with life stresses.据世界卫生组织介绍,其他有助于降低自杀率的措施包括教育媒体如何负责任地对自杀进行报道,在早期识别出有自杀风险的人,帮助年轻人培养应对生活压力的技能。World suicide prevention day is September 10.世界预防自杀日是9月10日。