

> 英语新闻 > 现代办公室发展的五个趋势


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

1. Designated desks are no longer the norm员工不再有固定的办公桌The days of cubicles and assigned desk stations are finally ing to an end. As more office employees start e into ing more mon to see multiple clusters of desks or tables for different teams in order to promote unity and collaboration amongst them.办公室的基础设施转变为更有利于合作的工作空间,不再对座位进行分配,以便更好地服务于进出办公室的员工。这样,员工可以找到当天最适合自己的座位,而雇主可以节省在空间和资源上花费的资金。为不同团队组合出多个办公桌群的做法也变得更为普遍,目的是促进员工的团结合作。2. Incorporating more breakout spaces and lounge areas更多的休闲区和休息区While some people tend to ing the nee into the physical office solely for face-to-face meetings ing into the office for access to these meeting rooms, and offices should be sizing those spaces accordingly.在移动办公的新风气下,许多员工来办公室只是为了和同事面对面交流,或者给供应商和客户做演示。这意味着员工是专程来用会议室的,办公场所也应该相应地分配这些空间的大小。4. Technology that cuts the bind betmute, which in turn will reduce air pollution and help create a smaller carbon footprint.对于员工来说,可以远程工作意味着不必通勤,从而能减少空气污染和碳足迹。