

> 英语新闻 > 麦当劳又做新实验了


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

McDonalds currently has more than 1,470 restaurants scattered throughout Germany, but for 10 days in June, customers at its location inside the Mall of Berlin had a pletely different experience pletely plastic-free, pany to test out some alternatives to single-use plastics and to receive customer feedback on each of those items.这家店提供的所有餐点都没有用到塑料制品,这使麦当劳可以测试用部分替代品来替代一次性塑料制品,并从使用这些产品的顾客那里得到反馈。

In addition to paper strapany to scroll through everyones opinions before it changes things up on a permanent basis.对于麦当劳而言,在做出永久性改变的决定之前,征求一下大家的意见可能并不是个坏主意。Earlier this year, McDonalds replaced the plastic straws in its U.K. locations with paper straws, and they werent exactly well-received: more than 53,000 people have signed a petition asking McDonalds to bring back the plastic. (The campaign creators reason for his big ask?So I can drink my milkshake proper.)今年早些时候,麦当劳英国分公司用纸质吸管替换了塑料吸管,然而,这一举措并未得到好的反响:超过5.3万人签署了请愿书,要求麦当劳恢复使用塑料吸管。(这一行动的发起人的理由是,他有个很大的疑问“我什么时候能好好喝我的奶昔。”)