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  • 一次难忘的生日 An Unforget-table Birthday


    I was born on May 19,1999. Every birthday I receive presents such as toys,candy ang books from my parents and friends. But this birthday is different. On the morning of my fourteenth birthday, I got up earlier than usual to make breakfast... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 快乐的暑假 Happy Summer Holidays


    I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day. I l... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 扫雪 Snow Cleaning


    I got up early this Sunday morning. When I went out, I saw everything outside dressed in white. It must have snowed last night, I thought. The road was covered with thick snow, so it was very hard to walk on it. People always say that we s... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 新年愿望 Wish for the new year


    The Neing and I have good ing year. Firstly, I hope my families pany my mother and I. I don't puter for my study and enjoyment. As I learn more in school, a puter is necessary. When I am free, I puter games or search the Internet. I think... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 暑期计划 Summer Holiday Plan


    Many classmates ask me about my plan for summer holiday. How I wish I could have a colorful and fruitful holiday, so I have decided to do a part-time job during the summer vacation. On the one hand, I can earn some pocket money by doing a... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 春节压岁钱 Lucky money


    The spring festival is the loveliest in China, es in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it es. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 一场大雨 A Heavy Rain


    That fortable. The heavy rain lasted three hours and stopped when the class was over. The air was so fresh and the sky was so clear. I felt like a new man myself. 那是6月初的一天早上,我乘汽车去郊区的学校上课,学校四周是稻田和鱼塘。天空是... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 欢迎来我们学校 Welcome to Our School


    根据图画内容,以Wele to Our School为题,介绍下这所学校的情况。 Wele to Our School Our school is a beautiful garden school. When you enter the school gate,you e to our beautiful school. 欢迎来我们学校 我们学校是一所美丽的花园式学校。当你进... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 在线学习 Online Learning


    Noputer, and it can also connect to the internet. Secondly, we must have a teacher. Thirdly, we also need a small camera and an earphone with a microphone, so that the teacher can supervise us expediently! That's all! I hope, we'll learn o... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 参观科技馆 Visiting the Science Museum


    参观科技馆 Visiting the Science Museum 范文一: May 1st Sunday Fine It was fine today, Lily and I went to visit the Science Museum. It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike. We set off at 8 o'clock.... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我爱我的家


    根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上;中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;根据英文提示,每组所写出的句数不限。(共12分)? 几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 国庆节计划 National Day plans


    With the ing of national day, I have a one ing quikely, I ing trip, but I have been too excited to wait. 随着国庆节,我有一个一周的假期。我真的希望它快点到来,我想在这些天中做一个短途旅行。我将和我的父母去九寨沟旅游三天。我听说九寨沟秋天的... [ 阅读全文 ]