

> 高中英语作文 > 高中英语新课标和高考考试说明列出的24个话题(10)


作者:邓勇 来源:大河中学 时间:2015-09-08 阅读: 字体:






Last Friday, I had an interview with Linguist Professor Zhang about How to Improve Our Oral English. According to Professor Zhang, reading English aloud can not only help us improve our oral ability but also develop our language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is because reading aloud, which is the basis of memory, can make the sound, form and meaning of an English word strengthened and consolidated.

Therefore, the linguist suggested that for thirty minutes or an hour in the morning we should read English words, passages, poems and texts, recite famous English sayings and mottos and even sing English songs. He also recommended that we should hold English evenings, English song competitions, and English drama performances.






(1)你觉得究竟是什么鼓励着Rose读完了大学; (2)你对上大学深造的看法; (3)你对中学毕业后的打算。

Rose realized her dream of getting a college education at 87. She became a campus icon, finished the college degree and graduated. She stayed young by finding the opportunity in change. She left no regrets. (35 words)

I wonder why Rose couldn’t go to college at a younger age, but actually she reached her original dream at 87. Laughing and finding humor, she became a campus icon. Finding every opportunity in change, she finished the college degree. All this lies in her taking such an active attitude towards her life.

For students who finish high school,one of the choices they will have to make is whether to continue higher education. Different people will have different choices of their own,but for me,I think I should attend university. Going to college is to get a higher level of education. To acquire a professional knowledge, I take Rose as a model and I’ll go to college whether I will have difficult challenges or not.