

> 高中英语作文 > 高中英语新课标和高考考试说明列出的24个话题(25)


作者:邓勇 来源:大河中学 时间:2015-09-08 阅读: 字体:

Dear Mike,

From the TV I know many A/H1N1 flu cases are reported recently in the United States and many schools are closed as a result. I’m so worried about you. Are you all right? Are there any HINI flu cases in your school?

To stay away from the disease, you’d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are many people. Besides, you should wash your hands more often so as to keep them clean. Also, keeping the windows open to have more fresh air in the room is helpful. And above all, it does a lot of good to you if you eat more fruit and vegetable, for doing this can help keep you fit and strong.

The disease is not so deadly as it seems to be, so do be at ease! Take care and you’ll be OK.

Yours truly,

Li Hua







I came across many setbacks in my study and life. For example, I failed in my math final exam when I was in Senior One. Knowing the result, I cried hard. I analyzed the situation and studied harder. With all my efforts and the help of others, I finally became good at math and passed many exams.

In my opinion, setbacks are harsh teachers, but the lessons we learn from them can be invaluable. When setbacks happen, we should be brave and stay optimistic. It is a good way to relieve the pain to turn to our trusted ones for comfort, see a funny movie, listen to music, or visit a beautiful place. After we cool down, maybe we can gain something out of this painful experience.(127words)




文娱与体育是指电影和戏剧、音乐和舞蹈、影视节目、体育锻炼、球类运动、田径运动、文体竞赛(包括奥运会Olympic Games, 世界杯Wor1d Cup、足球联赛Football League、全国运动会 National Games 、世界大学生运动会 World University Games; Universidad)、观众与粉丝等。


