

> 英语新闻 > 安东尼戴维斯-现在是时候质疑他了


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Davis had 25 points on 21 shots, but its how he got there that raises a familiar red flag.戴维斯在21次投篮中得到25分,但这是他在此过程中引发了熟悉的危险信号。We can quickly see that Davis was very effective in the paint, racking up seven of his eight buckets there.我们很快就会发现戴维斯在油漆区非常有效,8次进攻篮筐中了7次。Davis is a monster inside. He ranked third in the NBA in total points in the paint in 2017-18, while his new teammate LeBron James ranked No. 1.戴维斯是内线怪物。他在2017-18赛季油漆区总得分排名联盟第三,而他的新队友勒布朗·詹姆斯排名第一。But in a world where he is playing alongside James, its key that Davis can get out of the way sometimes and hit some jumpers.但是当戴维斯在詹姆斯身边时,他有时可以在外线并且选择跳投,这是很关键的。Heres the thing, though: Davis is mostly mediocre outside of the paint.Against the Clips, he hit just one of his seven extended 2-point tries and missed both of his 3s.事情是这样的:戴维斯在油漆区外通常表现平平,在对阵快船,他尝试了7次2分球中远距离跳投,却投丢了2个三分球。That small sample size is relevant because it harkens back to a bigger, more troubling trend.那个小样本量是有意义的,因为它可以追溯到更大,导致更令人担忧的趋势。Of the 130 players to take at least 1,000 jumpers outside the lane dating back to 2016-17, Davis ranks 126th in effective field goal percentage (eFG%) at 42%, per Second Spectrum tracking.追溯到2016-17年度,根据“Second Spectrum”数据统计,在130名至少有1,000跳投的球员中,戴维斯的有效投篮命中率(eFG%)为42%,排名第126位。Last year, Davis was very active and very inefficient in the midrange, converting just 36% of his shots.去年,戴维斯在中距离投射上非常活跃,效率很低,仅转换了36%的命中率。Yuck! He also was below average from downtown, where he converted 33% of his tries.要命!他的三分区投篮命中率也低于平均水平,他的投篮命中率是33%。The bottom line is that jump-shooting is a big part of Davis portfolio, and his numbers are more Russell Westbrook than they are Kevin Durant.最重要的是,跳投是戴维斯(Davis)人设中重要组成部分,他的数据更像拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克,而非凯文杜兰特。

Dating back to 2017-18 season, Davis is one of 95 NBA players to attempt at least 150 uncontested shots outside of the paint.追溯到2017-18赛季,在外线尝试至少150次无对抗的投篮的95名NBA球员中,戴维斯是其一。Of that group, he ranks 89th in efficiency, with an eFG% of just 46.3%. Thats just a hair above Ricky Rubio.在该组球员中,他的效率排名第89位,eFG%仅为46.3%。这只是仅仅比里基卢比奥多了一点点。You know who also isnt a great jump shooter? Reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo. He rates even worse than Davis.你知道谁也不是优秀的跳投手吗?现任MVP 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博。他的排名甚至比戴维斯还差。But the Milwaukee Bucks are designed to take care of that with effective 3-point shooters in a well-crafted system.但是密尔沃基雄鹿队经过精心的系统战术设计,通过有效的三分射手解决了这一问题。If you cant shoot, you cant space. And if Davis cant effectively space the floor, the Lakersoffense will have issues.如果不能投射,就不能拉开空间。如果戴维斯不能有效地拉开空间,那么湖人的进攻就会有问题。Davis often shares the court with Dwight Howard or JaVale McGee.戴维斯经常与德怀特·霍华德或贾维尔·麦吉共享球场。Opposing bigs will sag every game, clogging Jamesdriving corridors, providing interior help, grabbing boards and generally muddying things up.对面的大个子会每场比赛中在低位,堵塞詹姆斯的运球路线,在内线补防,抢篮板,使事情变得更加混乱。Danny Greens reliable stroke can only help so much on its own.丹尼·格林可靠的投篮只能发挥他自己的作用。If Davis is ineffective as a shooter, that means many of the Lakersmost important lineups will feature two bigs who dont space well enough to declutter the deep paint.如果戴维斯作为一名效率低下的射手,这意味着湖人队最重要的阵容中,将有两个大个子不能拉开足够的空间的来清空油漆区。Dudes like Nikola Jokic, Rudy Gobert, Clint Capela and Hassan Whiteside will have a much easier time against this squad that way.像尼古拉·约基奇、鲁迪·戈伯特、克林特·卡佩拉和哈桑·怀特塞德这样的球员将会以那种方式轻松应对这只湖人队。Theres no question Anthony Davis can be a terrific-shooting big. But its fair to question whether he is right now -- and its win-now time for the Lakers.毫无疑问,安东尼·戴维斯可以成为一个出色的射手。但是对于现在质疑他是否合格,是公平的-—对于湖人来说,这是必须赢的时刻。


