

> 英语新闻 > 39人命丧货柜车,英警方正在核实遇难者身份


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

British police said the death of 39 people, reportedly to be Chinese nationals, found in a truck in Essex, United Kingdom, has led to the largest murder investigation in the forces history.英国警方表示,在英国埃塞克斯郡一辆卡车上发现39人死亡,这是英国警方有史以来调查的最大规模的谋杀案。有报道称死者都是中国人。The Chinese Embassy has sent a team led by the minister-counsellor in charge of consular affairs to Essex, England. They have met plex, can then begin, said Essex Polices deputy chief constable, Pippa Mills.埃塞克斯郡警察局副局长皮帕·米尔斯说:“我们正在修复遇难者遗体,之后将开始漫长而复杂的尸检和身份鉴定过程。”Our number one priority is preserving the dignity of the 39 people who have died and ensuring that we get answers for their loved ones.“我们的首要任务是保护39名遇难者的尊严,并确保我们为他们的亲友找到遇难原因。The National Crime Agency said it was assisting in the investigation and working tourgently identify and take action against any organized crime groups who have played a role in causing these deaths.英国国家犯罪局表示,正在协助调查,并努力“紧急查明并对造成遇难者死亡的任何有组织犯罪集团采取行动”。The Belgian federal prosecutor said in a statement on Thursday that it had opened an inquiry into the deaths of the 39 people.比利时联邦检察官周四在一份声明中表示,已对导致39人死亡的案件展开调查。The investigation will focus on the organizers of and all other parties involved in this transport, the prosecutor said.检察官说:“调查将集中在这次运输的组织者和所有参与方。”James Halden, acting leader for Thurrock Council, said the deaths of the 39 people weredevastating.瑟罗克议会代理领导人詹姆斯·哈尔登表示,39人遇难是“毁灭性的”。Let us be clear, this is a terrible crime,he said in a statement.Thurrock Council will remain in constant contact with the police to support their investigation and keep the vital services in the area functioning. This will be a lengthy investigation and I can assure you that the council will work with all services to understand what can be done, if anything, to better work holistically in the future to prevent such events.他在一份声明中说:“我们必须明确,这是一起可怕的罪行。瑟罗克议会将继续与警方保持紧密联系,支持调查,并保持该地区重要服务的正常运行。这将是一次漫长的调查,我可以肯定的是,议会将与所有部门合作,以了解可以做些什么,以便今后更好地全面开展工作,防止类似事件发生。Maurice Wren, chief executive of the Refugee Council in London, said:This is truly tragic news, but depressingly predictable and avoidable news. If you deny people safe and regular travel routes to find safety, you are leaving them with no choice but to risk their lives on utterly perilous journeys and in the hands of criminal gangs. These gangs are a symptom of a much deeper problem, namely governments failure to provide safety to those who desperately need it.伦敦难民理事会首席执行官莫里斯·雷恩说:“这确实是悲剧,但令人沮丧的是,这原本是可以预见和避免的。如果你不让人们通过安全常规的旅行路线来安全抵达,他们就别无选择,只能冒着生命危险踏上极端危险的旅程,落入犯罪团伙之手。这些团伙预示着一个更深层的问题,即政府未能为那些迫切需要安全的人提供安全保障。”