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  • Gucci的设计又被骂了


    Are shackle-inspired ankle bracelets the next trend? As headlines trumpet a potential Trump impeachment and prison time for stars charged in the Operation Varsity Blues college admissions scandal, Gucci is ing under fire for shoe fashionab... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 詹姆斯实际上已经排到历史第二?


    But even in the years that he did not get the recognition from the league, James has been one of the largest recipients of votes from the sportswriters who decide on the mvp award.但即使在他没有得到联盟认可的那些年里,詹姆斯仍然是那些拥有M... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 荷兰一大学开设坟墓体验项目对抗焦虑


    Radboud University in the Dutch toes after death.该项目以拉丁语“memento mori”为箴言,意为“记住你会死”,为学生提供了一个可以一窥“死后世界”的机会。Thepurification grave is - quite traditionally - an open hole in the ground in the garde... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 东契奇-超巨初长成?


    Luka has ale down to the little things that dont always show up in the box score, like playing defense and moving off the ball.这将体现在通常不会出现在比分中的一些细节,例如打防守和控球。 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号、 新浪微博 :篮球英文... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 想得太多,死得越快?


    One key to a longer life could be a quieter brain pletely shocking and puzzling thing about this nepared to the very oldest people. REST had already been shown to be protective against Alzheimers disease.他们发现,与特别长寿的人相比,那些8... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 这种常用药会让胃癌发生率加倍!


    A class of drugs monly used to treat acid reflux and heartburn has been linked to a greater-than-doubled risk of developing stomach cancer, a study has found.一项研究表明,一种常用来治疗胃酸逆流和胃灼热的药物可能会使患胃癌的风险倍增。Proto... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 红茶和绿茶哪个更健康?


    Tea is beloved by people all over the pared to 39–109 mg for the same serving of black tea.绿茶中的咖啡因含量比红茶要少,一杯8盎司(230毫升)的绿茶大约含有35毫克咖啡因,而同样的一杯红茶则含有39-109毫克咖啡因。Caffeine stimulates your nerv... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 英国科学家预测20年后的上班族长啥样


    Emma doesnt look so great.“艾玛”看起来不怎么样。Her legs are puffy and covered in varicose veins. Her eyes are flat and dead, and her back looks like she spends her days ringing the bell at Notre-Dame Cathedral.双腿浮肿,静脉曲张,双眼暗... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 圣诞节收到无人机礼物?先通过考试再试飞


    Children es as figures reveal asky-tipping crisis that has seen hundreds of drones crash-landing in trees, parks, gardens, rivers and beaches.有数据显示,丛林、公园、花园、河流和海滩等地发生过数百起无人机坠落事件,因此英国民用航空管理局不... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 租衣服比买衣服更环保吗?


    Sustainable fashion expert Elizabeth Cline isnt convinced.可持续时尚专家伊丽莎白·克莱因不相信租衣服比买衣服更环保。Clothing rental is a hot neparison, the carbon impact of a pair of jeans purchased outright (presumably from a brick and mo... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 天天吃炸薯条致使少年失明


    A Teenage Boy Went Blind After Eating French Fries Everyday 天天吃炸薯条致使少年失明 A teenage boys diet reportedly caused him to go blind, and his story is bringing light to an unmon and potentially-dangerous eating disorder. 据报道,一位... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 痛苦的离婚过程让我更想再婚


    My Painful Divorce Only Made Me Want to Get Remarried Even More 痛苦的离婚过程让我更想再婚 My first marriage e of my marriage. But the other half e: My marriage ing, something greater than I had ever known, and it was this sense of knowing... [ 阅读全文 ]