

> 英语新闻 > 日薄西山的勇士队,究竟路在何方?


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-12 阅读: 字体:

This time, the insult came before the injury.这一次,羞辱先于伤病。For the first ting into the 2019-20 season e their slew of flaws, especially on the defensive end, where they rank dead last in the league.可他们仍然无法弥补自身的大量缺陷,甚至在拥有丹吉洛·拉塞尔在列而且库里个人表现依旧出众的情况下也是如此,尤其是在防守端,几乎是联盟垫底。In their three losses, the Warriors have been outscored by nearly 20 points per game and they have yet to allow less than 120 points in any of their four contests.在输掉的三场比赛中,他们几乎每场都要输给对手将近20分,四场比赛下来,他们每场比赛的失分都超过120。This was supposed to be Currys throwback supernova season.这本该是库里回归超级明星的赛季。Without the pressure of being title favorites or the weight that came with Durants impending free agency, an unleashed Curry was expected to once again set the league ablaze and remind us of the old days when he dropped 3s from all over the court and scored with acrobatic layups.没有了作为夺冠热门所承受的压力,没有了需要面临杜兰特跳出合同,成为自由球员的心理负担,无所拘束的库里被期待着,再次点燃整个联盟,让我们重温那段全场无死角的三分投射和杂耍般上篮得分的时光。But what was supposed to be a season of warm nostalgia in a new arena began turning sour before the season even started.但在赛季开始前,这段本应在全新的场馆内持续一整个赛季的温暖回忆,就已经开始变味了。The Warriors looked horrible in the preseason, hinting at the fact that the roster turnover they had undergone was far too drastic to stay afloat.勇士队在季前赛就显得异常狼狈,这暗示着,他们的阵容变化太过急剧,以至于他们已处于自身难保的境地。Still, it was easy for Warriors fans to hang their hopes on Curry, if anyone could carry them to at least a fringe playoff spot in the West, it would be him.同往常一样,勇士球迷还是会习惯性的将希望寄托于库里身上,如果有人能带领勇士至少摸到季后赛的地板,那么一定是库里。In the span of four games, three losses, and a catastrophic injury, this has already turned into a season from hell—and its not yet November.四场比赛,三场失利,以及一场灾难性的伤病。这个赛季已经变得无比黑暗,但甚至11月都还没有来临。


