

> 英语新闻 > 印度一航空公司用胶带封上了飞机窗户上的裂缝


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-15 阅读: 字体:

An airline in India that taped over a crack in one of its plane promise on the same.这家印度航空公司回应称:“你好,哈里哈兰,在香料航空,安全是我们最关心的问题,在任何时候,航空公司都不会对此妥协。”We shall surely convey this to the concerned head for necessary action. The inconvenience caused is regretted.“我们一定会把这一点转达给有关负责人,以便采取必要的行动。对造成的不便表示遗憾。”

Mr Sankaran responded:If there is a cello tape pasted, means someone has seen it and apromised.“请放心,在任何时候都不会危及安全”。Airtight plane windows are essential onboard an aircraft to help maintain the correct air pressure inside the cabin.密封的飞机窗户是飞机上保持机舱内气压正常的关键。At more than 10,000ft, passengers would be unable to breathe due to the lack of oxygen in the air without pressurised air.在超过1万英尺(约合3048米)的高空,如果不对空气增压,乘客将因为氧气不足而无法呼吸。Last year, a 43-year-old woman died when she was partially sucked out of a broken window following an engine explosion onboard a Southwest Airlines flight.去年,一名43岁的女性在乘坐西南航空公司的航班时,由于客机引擎爆炸,导致机窗破裂,半个身体被吸出窗外,不幸遇难。