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  • 两名宇航员完成人类首次全女性太空行走


    US astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir stepped outside the International Space Station Friday morning, the first time in history that tplish some get-ahead tasks on the space station, according to NASA.科克和迈尔原本预计在空间站外停... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 睡眠少身体棒的体质由基因决定


    A genetic mutation that allomon in a brain region called the dorsal pons, knomon – yet they appear to be rare. It might be, say, that sleeping less only became an advantage after the development of lights. But other advantageous gene vari... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 现代办公室发展的五个趋势


    1. Designated desks are no longer the norm员工不再有固定的办公桌The days of cubicles and assigned desk stations are finally ing to an end. As more office employees start e into ing more mon to see multiple clusters of desks or tables for d... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 抖森新恋情曝光 与女友同居已经半年!


    Tom Hiddleston apparently has a new lady love in his life -- British actress Zawe Ashton.汤姆·希德勒斯顿似乎有了新的恋人,她就是英国女演员扎威·阿什顿。The Marvel star has reportedly been dating his Betrayal co-star for more than six mont... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 湖人问题大了-分卫线上的挣扎


    Of course, the Lakers could just start James at the point, .最令人担忧的便是朗多在过去的46场比赛中防守评分为113.3分,这也导致了NBA.对他的净评分为-8.6分。In parison, Alex Caruso had a 102.4 defensive rating mented on Friday at Lakers media... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 日本一家睡眠科技公司推出午睡空间外卖服务


    Koala Sleep Japan in Japan launched a nap space takeout service, converting the van into a bedroom and driving to a pany that needs rest.近日,日本Koala Sleep Japan公司推出了午睡空间外卖服务,将面包车改装成卧室,开往需要休息的人的公司。Sin... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 日本引入了包括埃博拉在内的5种致命病毒


    A massive influx of international tourists e by, and to demonstrate the capabilities of Japanese scientists.对于那些将要研究这些病毒的研究人员来说,这是一个前所未有的机会,使他们可以调查那些必定难以获得的病原体,并证明日本科学家的能力。 Th... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 英国大一新生入学前准备:会做5个热菜


    Sixth formers are to be quizzed on fortable modation provider Unite Students, will teach pupils how to manage their finances and how to live independently.这门课程由大学住宿服务机构联合学生公司设计,课程将教授学生如何管理财务以及如何独立生... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 归功于Well Go,中国票房第二《哪吒》得以在美国上映!


    Chinese Blockbuster Ne Zha Gets U.S. Release Thanks to Well Go归功于Well Go,中国大片《哪吒》(Ne Zha)在美国上映Weve been covering the phenomenal performance of Chinese animated feature Ne Zha in the country for the past fee a hero. The m... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 关于电子烟垃圾的研究引人担忧


    Study raises concern about e-cigarette plain that her school bustible lithium ion batteries. In fact, Mock and Hendlin’s garbology study, published earlier this month, is the first to systematically catalog e-cigarette trash. 关于电子烟垃... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 大学新生都需要懂这5条理财要点


    With college starting for freshmen across the country, noe truly independent.第一步是开始为自己记账。这就是你学会什么是责任和如何变得真正独立的方法。Actually, in this case, ing a burden to your schoolwork, which could potentially force you... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 吃甜食不光让你长胖,还会让你变老!


    We all posed of collagen and elastin, which make our skin supple and soft.蔗糖是由葡萄糖和果糖分子构成的,正是糖中的果糖把“褐变”反应加速了7倍。皮肤是由胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白构成的,它们使我们的皮肤柔韧又细腻。 Sugar causes cross-linking of c... [ 阅读全文 ]