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  • 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林34


    And so a seminar eback, and yet for him it ing back, but going back.也许这会是个很好的回归,但图灵并没有回归,他只是回眸,与之相视一笑。He spent some more time on the original problem for groups, but did not dedicate himself to it.他在群论... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 这样的NBA,我们不看也罢!


    The Houston Rockets executive unment.但是伤害已经造成,NBA迅速采取行动,企图在这个利润巨大能制造数百万美元(不止吧?)的市场上平息事端。对于被(莫雷)那番言论冒犯的众多中国球迷,联盟感到十分“遗憾”。Tilman Fertitta, the omissioner, Adam S... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 社交媒体上的sadfishing是什么意思?


    A nemissioned by the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference (HMC), is based on face-to-face interviements on social media, on messaging apps or face-to-face), thus exacerbating ments that express a need for emotional support as a platfo... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • Uber创始人卡兰尼克去搞共享厨房了


    Travis Kalanick, founder of Uber pany City Storage Systems has bought a stake in Rebel Foods Pvt in India, a cloud kitchen pany.卡兰尼克的房地产公司City Storage Systems已买下印度云厨房Rebel Foods公司的股份。The deal is part of a $125 milli... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 快手计划2020年赴美上市


    Chinese startup Kuaishou is considering to a U.S. initial public offering to bankroll its expansion in short videos and fend off petition from TikTok-opany, backed by Tencent Holdings Ltd., plans to list next year, the people said, request... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 六个存钱小技巧 帮你建立净资产


    Heres another reason to get serious about saving -- its a nemend Ramit Sethis I Will Teach You to Be Rich ($14). Its a good book for those in their 20s because it dishes out practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy read.买一本个... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 买机票送妻子登机 新加坡男子遭逮捕


    The Singapore Police Force has issued a plete e in the terminal is a thing, here.在这个机场长时间逗留已经成为一个现象。Anyone accessing the gate-side areas at Changi without intending to fly can be prosecuted under Singapores Infrastructur... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • LV母公司投资了一个新潮流品牌


    Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH), the conglomerate that owns many of the worlds best-known luxury brands, has just invested in a startup called Madhappy that, on the surface, doesnt seem like any other brands in its wheelhouse.法国酩悦·... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 四大合作伙伴不再支持Facebook的电子货币


    In the span of one merce more accessible for people around the world. Libra has this potential.一位eBay公司发言人在《彭博》发表的一份声明中说:“我们特别欣赏Libra协会的愿景,但eBay已经决定不再继续作创始成员。”一位Stripe公司发言人同样善意... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • Google宣布自己已实现量子霸权


    According to a report in the Financial Times, a team of researchers from Google led by John Martinis have demonstrated quantum supremacy for the first time.《英国金融时报》的一篇报告称,John Martinis带领的一个Google研究团队首次证明了量子霸... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 每天拍张照并分享 有助于提升幸福感!


    A neputer or something. Just taking a moment is very salutary I think, one participant tells scientists at the UKs Lancaster University and University of Sheffield.一名参与者告知英国兰开斯特大学和谢菲尔德大学的科学家:“我会停下来拍一张昆... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 图灵将在2021年登上英镑钞票


    Alan Turing, the father of puter science and artificial intelligence e and only the shadow of what is going to be.新纸币预计于2021年底开始流通,纸币上还会引用图灵的名言:“这不过是将来之事的前奏,也是将来之事的影子。” Turing was just 41 w... [ 阅读全文 ]