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外研版SB4 module 6 同步语境翻译

作者:罗林英 来源:未知 时间:2014-04-23 阅读: 字体:
很多物种由于(due to)气候的变化灭绝(die out)了,恐龙的灭绝(extinction)就是一个很好的例子,至今科学家也没弄清楚(throw light on)恐龙在地球上突然消失(disappear)的原因。但大部分物种能适应(adapt to)气候的变化,并且不断地进化(evolve)。现在人类仍在继续破坏大自然,将来会发生什么是不可预知的(unpredictable)。希望人类好运(fortune)。
几次目击(sighting)之后,“雪人”(the Yeti)再次成为新闻(back in the news)。“雪人”是生活在喜马拉雅山上的一种神秘的(mysterious)怪物(monster)。目击者声称“雪人”有两米高,全身长满棕色的毛。还有人声称看到过(claim to have seen)雪人留下的大脚印(footprint)。科学家们对此描述表示怀疑(sceptical),因为像这样大型的动物不可能(be unlikely to)生活在如此荒凉的(inhospitable)地方。到目前为止,还没有有力的证据证明“雪人”的存在(existence)。
The Yeti has been back in the news since several sightings. The Yeti is a mysterious monster that lives high up in the Himalayas. According to witnesses, it is about two meters tall with brown hair all over. Others claimed to have seen the large footprints left by the Yeti. The scientists are sceptical about the description, because such a large creature is unlikely to live in this inhospitable place. So far, there is no firm evidence to support the existence of the Yeti.