

> 英语新闻 > 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林43


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-15 阅读: 字体:

He liked to say things like: One day ladies puters for puter said such a funny thing this morning!他总喜欢讲这样的故事:有朝一日,女士们会带着自己的计算机,到公园里遛弯,并且互相闲聊:“你猜猜我的小计算机今天早上说了什么好玩的话!”Or, puter say something surprising, he ansputer installations, sprang out this conjecture:尽管他的计算机还乳臭未干,但这并不妨碍他的“猜想”:the achievement by the millennium of something approaching the artificial intelligence that had long been expressed in the myth of Pygmalion.这个世界正在逐步走向皮格马利翁所描绘的人工智能。Also emerging fully-formed was the fruit of his thought since 1935 on the discrete state machine model, on universality, and the constructive use of the imitation principle to build a brain.这凝聚了图灵从1935年以来的所有思考结晶,离散状态机,通用性,模拟原则,当然还有“建造大脑”。