

> 英语试题 > 高三英语周考试题 > 四川省射洪县射洪中学2018届高三下学期入学考试英语试卷


作者:lsdy1982 来源:未知 时间:2018-06-22 阅读: 字体:

命题人:鞠杰  审题人:杨霞




1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。

2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。不能答在试题卷上,否则无效。

第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?


A.£19.15.                       B.£9.18.                                 C.£9.15.

1. What is the weather like now?

A. Sunny.                    B. Windy                             C. Warm.

2. How much would the man pay if he buys four ties today?

A. $30                            B. $108                               C. $120.

3. Where are the speakers?

A. In a hotel.                  B. At a dinner table.               C. In the man’s home.

4. What is the woman?

A. A reporter.              B. A teacher.                      C. A student.

5. What movie did the man probably watch last night?

A. Airheads.                 B. Pearl Harbor.                   C. Titanic.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. How often did the man listen to the news from China?

A. Once a week.                     B. Almost every day.               C. Every three days.

7. What is the man’s difficulty in learning Chinese?

A.  Reading Chinese books.

B.  Speaking Chinese.

C.  Understanding Chinese radio.


8. What did Linda do after the party?

A. She typed a paper.       B. She visited her uncle.        C. She studied history.

9. Why was Linda so nervous?

A. She didn’t have much sleep.

B. She was worried about her brother.

C. She thought her paper might be late.


10. Where was the man born?

A. In Philadelphia.       B. In Springfield.                            C.  In Kansas.

11. What did the man like doing when he was a child?

A. Drawing.                          B. Traveling.                   C. Reading.

12. What inspires the man most?

A. Education.               B. Family love.                      C. Nature.


13. When does the woman go to the restaurant?

A. In the early morning.

B. In the middle of the morning.

C. At noon.

14. What does the woman like most about the restaurant?

A. The quiet environment.           B. The cheap food.                C. The good service.

15. What does the man always have for lunch?

A. Pancakes.                                B. Fish pie.                             C. Sausages.

16. What does the man say about his favorite restaurant?

A. It’s new and clean.

B. Its food is tasty and cheap.

C. It often attracts film stars.


17. What are people like nowadays according to the speaker?

A. They are too lazy to cook.

B. They prefer fast food.

C. They are always in a hurry.

18. What do most people want to do?

A. Enjoy home-made dishes with families.

B. Eat out more with friends.

C. Start food business on the Internet.

19. What does the speaker advise people to do?

A. Buy a computer in their neighborhood.

B. Cook healthy meals at home.

C. Order food online.

20. What kind of talk is the speaker giving?

A. A lecture on food and health.

B. An advertisement for a food website.

C. A speech on the development of cooking.

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The following are four books that will help you change your mind and change your life.

1) You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay: A groundbreaking book when it was released in 1982. It is still the book that I turn to when I have physical unrest that requires deeper understanding. Louise Hay is the pioneer in looking at the connection between the physical unrest that we have in our body and the emotional connection. At the time that she wrote the book many people scoffed at this idea, but it is now widely accepted and millions of people refer to it on a daily basis.

2) The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz: Maintaining a sense of reliability and faith is developed through understanding to The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz written in 1997. We are faced with rules and regulations; don’t do this, don’t do that, watch what you are doing, be kind, loyal, faithful etc. The four agreements represent a simple system of maintaining your own inner authority while practicing being a true person with other people.

3) Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Richard Carlson and Joseph Bailey: This is a new one in my “bedside collection” and one that has made the biggest impact on me lately. Written in 1997, it is even more relevant today than it was when it was written. The idea of “slowing down” to get there faster was extremely hard for me to understand. As a human species we seem to enjoy moving fast and expecting quick results, especially from ourselves. I should be successful now, I should be slim now, get me to my destination now — in contrast to “in the fullness of time” when I am ready.

4) The Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel-Shinn: A classic book that was first published in 1925 and remains one of my favorite books of all time. Scovel-Shinn understood the power of our words to express either our deepest desires or our most horrible nightmares.

So where does this leave you? The way I see it is if you want to ‘Heal Your Life” then you had better learn how to play “The Game of Life” by learning how to “Slow Down to the Speed of Life” and keep the “Four Agreements”. The solution may not be easy to do but it is simple. In fact, most solutions are pretty simple, and it is us humans that want to complicate it.

21. According to the author, people who are lacking in personal freedom should read ______.

A. You Can Heal Your Life

B. The Four Agreements

C. Slowing Down to the Speed of Life

D. The Game of Life and How to Play It

22. In which part of a magazine would you probably find this passage?

A. Book Reviews                                  B. Self Improvement

C. Arts & Entertainment                       D. Reference & Education

23. In the author’s opinion, the four books ______.

A. tell us four interesting stories           B. represent four stages of life

C. represent four attitudes                    D. offer four ways to change our life and mind




I grew up poor. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could still afford a dream. My dream was athletics.

By the time I was sixteen, I was good at baseball and football. My high-school coach was Ollie Jarvis. He not only believed in me, but taught me the difference between having a dream and showing conviction (信念).

One summer a friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket — cash for dates with girls, certainly, money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother.

Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing. I was dreading (害怕) this, but my mother said, “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.

When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as mad as I expected him to be. “Your playing days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them,” he said.

I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why I dreamed of buying my mom a house.

“How much are you going to make at this job, son?” he demanded.

“Three twenty-five an hour,” I replied.

“Well,” he asked, “is $3.25 an hour the price of a dream?”

That question laid bare for me the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to sports that summer, and within the year I was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play rookie-league ball, and offered a $20,000 contract. I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $1.7 million, and bought my mother the house of my dream.

24. The writer was grateful to Coach Jarvis, because Jarvis ______.

A. made him set a goal                         B. gave him financial support

C. helped him show conviction            D. supplied him with new clothes

25. When the writer was offered a job, he wanted to ______.

A. balance summer baseball and the work schedule

B. refuse the job offer for summer baseball

C. give up summer baseball for the job

D. ask his coach Jarvis for advice

26. Which of the following can replace the underlined sentence?

A. A good beginning makes a good ending.

B. You must rely on yourself first, then others.

C. Believe in yourself, but above all be patient.

D. You must eat the bitter fruit of your own making.

27. The end of the story was that the writer ______.

A. succeeded as a sportsman                       B. failed to buy his mother a house

C. became a successful businessman           D. made some money in the summer job


A young woman sits alone in a café sipping tea and reading a book. She pauses briefly to write in a nearby notepad before showing her words to a passing café waiter: “Where are the toilets please?” This is a familiar scene in Tokyo’s so-called “silent cafés”, where customers are not allowed to speak, and only communicate by writing in notepads.

The concept rises by a desire to be alone among young Japanese, a situation brought by economic uncertainty, a shift in traditional family support structures and the growing social isolation. The phenomenon is not limited to coffee shops but covers everything from silent discos, where participants dance alone wearing wireless headphones connected to the DJ, to products such as small desk tents designed for conversation-free privacy in the office. One Kyoto company even offers single women the opportunity to have a “one woman wedding” — a full bridal affair, complete with white dress and ceremony, and the only thing missing is the groom. The trend has its own media expression — “botchi-zoku”, referring to individuals who consciously choose to do things completely on their own.

One recent weekday afternoon, Chihiro Higashikokubaru, a 23-year-old nurse, travelled 90 minutes from her home, to Tokyo on her day off in order to enjoy some solo time. Speaking quietly at the entrance of the cafe, Miss Higashikokubaru said: “I heard about this place via Twitter and I like the idea of coming here. I work as a nurse and it's always very busy. There are very few quiet places in Tokyo, and it's a big busy city. I just want to come and sit somewhere quietly on my own. I’m going to drink a cup of tea and maybe do some drawings. I like the idea of a quiet, calm atmosphere.”

The desire to be isolated is not a new concept in Japan, home to an estimated 3.6 million “hikikomori” — a more extreme example of social recluses (隐士) who withdraw completely from society.

28. What is special about the “silent cafes”?

A. It provides various tea and books.

B. People are not allowed to communicate.

C. It has attracted many popular young people.

D. It offers service by writing not by speaking.

29. Which of the following accounts for the idea of being alone in Japan?

A. The increasing social isolation.                       B. The stable economic situation.

C. The rising demand for privacy.                      D. The rapid development of internet.

30. What do we know about Higashikokubaru?

A. She doesn’t like to be a nurse.                       B. She doesn’t like the life in big cities.

C. She enjoys her solo time in a quiet place.       D. She travelled to Tokyo on her work days.

31. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Silent cafes                                                     B. Lonely Japanese

C. One woman wedding                                     D. Social recluses in Japan


Like it or love it, social media is a major part of life. Clicking on a thumbs-up or a heart icon (图标) is an easy way to stay in touch. Whether you’re on Facebook, What’s App or Twitter, the way of keeping in touch is no longer face to face, but instead screen to screen, highlighted by the fact that more than 1 billion people are using Facebook every day. Social media has become second nature — but what impact is this having on us?

Lauren Sherman and her team, who study the brain at Temple University in Philadelphia, mixed 20 teens’ photos with 10 other pictures from public Instagram accounts. Then they randomly gave half of the images many likes (between 23 and 45; most had more than 30). They gave the other half no more than 22 likes (most had fewer than 15).

The researchers wanted to find out how the participants’ brains were responding to the different images. While the teens were in a machine, researchers asked them to either like an image or skip to the next one. Teens were much more likely to like images that seemed popular — those that had more than 23 likes, Sherman’s team found. The kids tended to skip pictures with few likes.

As part of the experiment, participants were also shown a range of “neutral” photos showing things like food and friends, and “risky” photos concerning cigarettes and alcohol. When looking at photos showing risky behaviors, such as smoking or drinking — no matter how many likes they had — the brain region linked to cognitive (认知的) control tended to become less active. These kinds of pictures can lower the viewer’s self-control. That means what you like online has the power to influence not just what others like, but even what they do. Viewing pictures like these could make teens let down their guard when it comes to experimenting with drugs and alcohol, Sherman worries.

32. What does the text focus on?

A. The influence of social media.                       B. The self-control of teens.

C. The behaviors of teens.                                  D. The popularity of social media.

33. Which of the following might be included in the experiment?

A. Seventeen images are given 20 likes.             B. Fifteen images are given 25 likes.

C. Fifteen images are given 42 likes.                  D. Eight images are given 40 likes.

34. What’s Sherman’s concern about online photos?

A. More likes may be given.                               B. Misbehaviors may be encouraged.

C. More risky pictures may be posted.               D. Cognitive control may become less active.

35. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To condemn immoral social behaviors.          B. To promote modern social media.

C. To introduce a new research.                         D. To explain the brain system.



Why we still need to read Dickens

Walk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens’ works still sell well today.   36 

As someone who teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind.   37   One day nearly 10 years ago, however, when I was giving a lecture, I was telling the students that for Victorian readers, Dickens’s writing was a “tune-in-next-week” type of thing that generated crazes.   38   “But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked. The answer I gave was only acceptable, “Because he teaches you how to think,” I said.

The question annoyed me for years, for years, and for years I told myself answers, but never with complete satisfaction. We read Dickens because he is not just a man of his own times, but also a man for our times. We read Dickens because we can learn from experiences of his characters almost as easily as we can learn from our own experiences.

  39   But these are not exactly the reason why I read Dickens. My search for an answer continued until one day a text message came from a student of mine. “We still read Dickens’s novels,” she wrote, “because they tell us why we are what we are.” Simple as it was, that’s the explanation I had sought for years.

Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and worst of times.

  40   If you have time, go to pick up one of his many novels, read it and enjoy what it has to tell you about yourself.


A. Then a hand shot up.

B. I know that wasn’t really the reason.

C. And they are placed on outstanding shelves.

D. That question was never more troubling.

E. That’s why we still need to read him today.

F. I already know who it is I’ll meet in those novels.

G. These are all wonderful reasons to read Dickens.

第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Most people need to hear those “ three little words” — I love you. Once in a while, they hear them just in time.

I met Connie on the day when she was   41   to the hospice ward (安宁病房), where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood   42   nearby as she was   43   from the gurney (轮椅) to the hospital bed.   44   Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was optimistic and cheerful. I finished   45   her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.

Connie was a romantic. As we became   46  , she expressed how   47   it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”. “I’d give anything if he’d say ‘I love you’, but it’ s just not in his   48  .” she sighed.

Bill visited Connie every day. One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the

  49   of women and how we need   50   in our lives; how we love to get sentimental (富有情感的) cards and love letters.

“Do you tell Connie you love her?”I asked, and he looked at me   51   I was crazy.

“I don’t have to.” he said, “She knows I do!”

“I’m sure she knows,” I said, reaching over and touching his   52   hands, “but she needs to hear it, Bill, she needs to hear what she has   53   to you all these years.”

Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against the   54   in the hallway,   55   at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 A.M. When Bill saw me, he   56   himself to come into my arms for a long time. His face was wet with tears and he was   57  . Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.

“I have to say something,” he said. “I have to say how   58   I fell about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. “This morning I  59  her how much I love her…and loved being married to her. You should have seen her smile!”

I went into the room to say my own goodbye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that   60  , “To my wonderful wife…I love you.”

41. A. objected                 B. determined                   C. forced                           D. admitted

42. A. numbly                   B. casually                         C. impatiently                   D. nervously

43. A. transferred              B. transformed                  C. prevented                            D. protected

44. A. As                           B. Since                             C. Though                         D. Because

45. A. sculpturing             B. marking                        C. announcing                   D. signing

46. A. acquainted              B. consistent                            C. arbitrary                        D. considerate

47. A. crazy                       B. delighted                      C. satisfied                        D. upset

48. A. character                 B. talent                                   C. nature                           D. virtue

49. A. target                      B. subject                          C. point                             D. object

50. A. sympathy                B. warmth                         C. comfort                         D. romance

51. A. even if                    B. as though                      C. if only                           D. in case

52. A. rough                      B. smooth                          C. delicate                         D. clumsy

53. A. appealed                 B. taken                             C. meant                            D. submitted

54. A. window                  B. wall                               C. bed                               D. table

55. A. glancing                  B. staring                           C. weeping                        D. praying

56. A. involved                 B. occupied                       C. allowed                         D. devoted

57. A. trembling                B. mourning                      C. regretting                      D. aching

58. A. sorry                       B. confused                       C. doubtful                       D. relieved

59. A. asked                      B. told                               C. wondered                            D. imagined

60. A. writes                            B. explains                        C. conveys                        D. underlines


第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



With the rapid spread of western cultures, a   61   (grow) number of Chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. When Christmas or Valentine’s Day

  62   (come), youngsters will flood into bars, restaurants, or department stores to celebrate these festivals, but actually they don’t know much about Chinese traditional festivals.

The reason behind this social phenomenon is obvious: in a society controlled by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad   63   (identify) as fashionable and new, while traditional ones are usually something out of date and old. Young people all over the world have regarded western life style,   64   (especial) the life in Hollywood films,   65   their goal of life. As a consequence,   66   is no wonder that Chinese young people have much more affection for Christmas than China’s Spring Festival.

We should think about the influence of such   67  social phenomenon carefully. It is obvious that the wide spread and recognition of western holidays is   68   (harm) to our traditional value. If we don’t take some   69   (measure) right now, some day in the future, Chinese cultural heritage may be strange to our grandchildren. It is high time for the government and all people   70   (take) action to protect our traditional culture.

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)









注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My little cousin is greatly interested on science. And he does some dangerous experiments sometime. Although his parents want to encourage him to be great scientist, at times they worry about his safety. Last week, when my cousin was doing an experiment, he hurts his thumb. My aunt felt sadly and wanted him to stop from doing that experiment. However, my cousin didn’t want to give up. She said, “Many scientists got hurt when they were doing experiments, so they didn’t give up.” My aunt had to let him finish the experiments and he finally succeeded in finish it.

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,最近你在魅力中国城(Charming China)的投票活动中幸运地抽到了几张四      川旅行优惠券,你想邀请你的英国朋友Tom在国庆节期间一起去四川游玩。内容要点如下:

1. 出发及返回时间;

2. 旅行安排:上年参观熊猫;下午游览当地名胜古迹。

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4. 开头语和结尾已为你写好。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

Dear Tom, 

How is everything with you?



Best wishes for you!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua  




1~5 BBAAC 6~10 BBACB 11~15 ACBAB 16~20 BCACB


21-25 BADCC   26-30 DADAC   31-35 AADBC   36-40 CDAGE


第一节  41-45 DDACB       46-50 ADCBD   51-55 BACBB           56-60 CADBC

第二节 61. growing    62. comes      63. are identified   64. especially      65. as

66. it              67. a                 68. harmful          69. measures        70. to take

第四部分  第一节(每小题1分)

My little cousin is greatly interested on science. And he does some dangerous experiments


sometime. Although his parents want to encourage him to be ∧ great scientist, at times they

sometimes                                           a

worry about his safety. Last week, when my cousin was doing an experiment, he hurts his


www.ziyuanku.comthumb. My aunt felt sadly and wanted him to stop from doing that experiment. However, my


cousin didn’t want to give up. She said, “Many scientists got hurt when they were doing


experiments, so they didn’t give up.” My aunt had to let him finish the experiments and he

         but (and)                                            experiment

finally succeeded in finish it.



One possible version:

Dear Tom,

How is everything with you? I’m glad to tell you a piece of good news. Fortunately, I have got some tickets from Charming China recently, which will give us some discounts of travelling to Sichuan. With the International Day around the corner, I want to invite you to visit Sichuan with my family.

We will start at 8:00 a.m. on October 1st and return at 5:30 in the afternoon. In the morning, we will admire pandas, which are native to China. Their clumsy behaviors will make you burst into laughter. After a delicious meal, we will visit some wonderful places of interest in the local. If you can come, I’m sure you can have a good time.

Looking forward to your arrival.


Best wishes for you!

                                                             Sincerely yours,

                                                             Li Hua   






停顿 00'10″



M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we are growing all the time.

W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize?

M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and we also have language evenings.

W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?

M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practice their languages—you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French.

M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more information. If you join now you can have the first month free.

M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.

(Text 1)

M: The weather is terrible.

W: Yes. It’s sunny and warm yesterday but the wind is really blowing hard now.

(Text 2)

M: May I have that tie please? How much does it cost?

W: It’s 30 dollars. But today we offer a 10% discount if you purchase more than 3.

(Text 3)

W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you?

M: So do I .Let me call room service. Hello, room service? Please send a menu to 320 right away.

(Text 4)

W: Good morning, Professor Wang. My name is Susan Gray. I’m with the local newspaper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

M: Not at all. Go ahead please.

(Text 5)

W: How was the movie you watched last night?

M: Well, I liked the movie but my roommate is a real airhead. He thought the Titanic was the same boat the Japanese sank during the World War II.

(Text 6)

M: Are you still learning Chinese?

W: Yes, but I don’t have enough time for it. I have so many other things to do every day.

M: It is the same with me. I can read Chinese now, but I still find it difficult to speak Chinese. And I don't always understand people when they speak Chinese to me.

W: We don't hear Chinese enough, I think. Do you listen to the radio from China?

M: Yes, I listen to the news from China almost every day. That helps me understand Chinese, but not to speak it.

W: We’d better go to China for a holiday.

M: Right, that will be the best way.

(Text 7)

M: Are you feeling well, Linda? You look very tired.

W: No. My sister and I had a birthday party for our brother last night. I didn’t get much sleep.

M: Where did you have the party?

W: At my uncle's, and the party lasted very long. After the party, I had to type a history paper for the next morning. I was very nervous, for my professor hates accepting any late papers.

M: I don’t know how you did it .If I were you, I wouldn’t handle things like you.

W: Well, I just turned in the paper and now I’m going home to bed. See you later.

M: See you later.

(Text 8)

W: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our program. Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest with us. Some of you may have heard of him before. He’s an artist. His works have received many prizes and have been shown in over one hundred exhibitions across the country—Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, to name just a few. His name is Chris Cucksy. So Chris, tell us a bit about yourself.

M: Well, I was born in Springfield, Missouri, and grew up in Kansas. I didn’t come from a family with wealth or position, but I did manage to get a master’s degree in fine arts.

W: When did you first start to make art? And what was the turning point in your life that made you an artist?

M: I always liked drawing as early as I can remember, so right from then, I knew what I was going to be: an artist.

W: What is it that always inspires you to create?

M: Nature is the biggest inspiration. I’m always inspired by things of beauty and harmony.

(Text 9)

M: Lily, where do you like to eat?

W: Well, my favorite restaurant is The Knife and Talk. It’s very near the city center. At lunch it’s full of office workers, but I like to go before that, in the middle of the morning. I go there and order big breakfast and take one of their newspapers and just relax for an hour or so. Their pancakes are delicious. They don't have a TV in there, which I love most. They just have some jazz music, very quiet, nothing too loud. What’s your favorite restaurant?

M: Well, it's just a very simple restaurant. There are only about six tables in there. A couple of waitresses wear ugly pink uniforms. But the food is great, very tasty, and cheap too, which is important, of course. There are some truck drivers sitting at the counter drinking coffee and eating sausages every morning. I always have pancakes in the morning and their fish pie for lunch. That restaurant has been open for many years. They say the actor James Dean eats there sometimes, but I don't think that's true.

(Text 10)

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