

> 英语试题 > 高三英语周考试题 > 四川省成都外国语学校2018届高三11月月考英语试卷


作者:lsdy1982 来源:未知 时间:2018-10-29 阅读: 字体:






2.满分150分,考试时间120 分钟。


4. 考试结束后将答题卡交回,不得折叠、损毁答题卡。


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?

  A. Go out with her friend.               B. Work on her paper.                  C. Make some plans.

2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?

  A. $15.                                         B. $30.                                      C. $50.

3. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?

  A. To attend a wedding.                   B. To visit an exhibition.             C. To meet a friend.

4. When does the bank close on Saturday?

  A. At 1:00 pm.                            B. At 3:00 pm.                         C. At 4:00 pm.

5. Where are the speakers?

  A. In a store.                                 B. In a classroom.                       C. At a hotel.




6. What do we know about Nora?

  A. She prefers a room of her own.

  B. She likes to work with other girls.

  C. She lives near the city center.

7. What is good about the flat?

  A. It has a large sitting room.          B. It has good furniture.              C. It has a big kitchen.


8. Where has Barbara been?

  A. Milan.                                      B. Florence.                               C. Rome.

9. What has Barbara got in her suitcase?

  A. Shoes.                                      B. Stones.                                  C. Books.


10. Who is making the telephone call?

  A. Thomas Brothers.                             B. Mike Landon.                        C. Jack Cooper.

11. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?

  A. His wife.                                  B. His boss.                               C. His secretary.

12. What is the message about?

  A. A meeting.                                B. A visit to France.                    C. The date for a trip.


13. Who could the man speaker most probably be?

  A. A person who saw the accident.    B. The driver of the lorry.            C. A police officer.

14. What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?

  A. Walking along Churchill Avenue.

  B. Getting ready to cross the road.

  C. Standing outside a bank.

15. When did the accident happen?

  A. At about 8:00 am.                   B. At about 9:00 am.                C. At about 10:00 am.

16. How did the accident happen?

  A. A lorry hit a car.                         B. A car ran into a lorry.              C. A bank clerk rushed into the street.


17. What is the talk mainly about?

  A. The history of the school.           B. The courses for the term.         C. The plan for the day.

18. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

  A. In the school hall.                             B. In the science labs.                 C. In the classrooms.

19. What can students do in the practical areas?

  A. Take science courses.                  B. Enjoy excellent meals.            C. Attend workshops.

20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

  A. During the lunch hour.                B. After the welcome speech.        C. Before the tour of the labs.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The booking notes of the play "the Age of Innocence":

Price: $10


There are four easy ways to book seats for performance:

---in person

The Box Office is open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

---by telephone

Ring 01324976 to reserve your tickets or to pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard and Amex accepted)

---by post

Simply complete the booking form and return it to Global Theatre Box Office.

---on line

Complete the on-line booking form at www. Satan fiedtheatre.com.


Saver: $2 off any seat booked any time in advance for performances from Monday to Thursday. Savers are available for children up to 16 years old, over 60s and full-time students.

Supersaver: half-price seats are available for people with disabilities and one companion. It is advisable to book in advance. There is a maximum of eight wheelchair spaces available and one wheelchair space will be held until an hour before the show.

Standby: best available seats are on sale for $6 from one hour before the performance for people eligible (suitable) for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers.

Group Bookings: there is a ten percent discount for parties of twelve or more.

School: school parties of ten or more can book $6 standby tickets in advance and will get every tenth ticket free.

Please note: we are unable to exchange tickets or refund money unless a performance is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

21. According to the notes, who can get $2 off?

   A. The people who book the tickets on Fridays.    B. A 20-year-old full-time college student.

   C. An 18-year-old teenager.                    D. A 55-year-old woman.

22. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. There are only 8 wheelchair spaces in the theatre.

   B. A group of 12 persons can get 10 per cent discount.

   C. The audience can’t refund money if the performance is on show.

   D. A school party of 15 students should pay $90 for the standby tickets.

23. What kind of tickets are the cheapest?

   A. The standby tickets for school parties of ten or more.

   B. The tickets for Saver discount.

   C. The tickets for group booking.

   D. The standby tickets.


    A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to imagine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute,” someone might say, “are you talking about Mr. Davis the retired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”

    The position was offered at the last minute, and I was given two weeks to prepare, a period I spent searching for briefcase and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class. I’m Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually came, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.

    I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them myself out of orange construction paper. I saw nine students along a long table. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required.

    “All right then,” I said. “Okay, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and realized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit at the edge of the desk, overlooking a forest of hands. Every student would shout. “Calm down, you’ll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”

    A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I asked the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment.

24. The author took the job to teach writing because ______.

   A. he wanted to be respected           B. he had written some storied

   C. he wanted to please his father        D. he had dreamed of being a teacher

25. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2?

   A. He would be aggressive in his first class.

   B. He was well-prepared for his first class.

   C. He got nervous when he arrived at the classroom on the first day of the job.

   D. He waited long for the arrival of his first class.

26. Before he started his class, the author asked the students to ______.

   A. write down their suggestions on the paper cards

   B. cut maple leaves out of the construction paper

   C. cut some cards out of the construction paper

   D. write down their names on the paper cards

27. What did the students do when the author started his class?

   A. They began to talk.  B. They kept silent.  C. They raised their hands.  D. They shouted to be heard.


    I’m sure many of you have seen Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Multiplicity, or many of the other movies that describe cloning. Most of what you see in these movies is false. What you don’t know is that cloning could be dangerous, to the clone and to our society as a whole. It’s immoral to have a human clone.

  What about identity? Humans are promised the right to their own personality. What would happen if we ignore those rights by giving them someone else’s genetic identity? True, personality is not fixed in someone’s genes, but the clone would share any physical appearance or genetic fault of the cloned.

  Also, there is a large power struggle here. Cloning means a degree of power and control over another person’s physical identity and that ignores their rights and their only personality. The person doing the cloning would have more power than any parent would have.

  Cloning would also deal with killing embryos(胚胎). You might not have known, but Dolly, the sheep that was cloned in 1996, was one of over 200 sheep embryos and hers was the only embryo that survived. The rest died or were thrown away. Imagine if the failure rate was that high when we started to clone humans. More than 200 embryos, the start of 200 human beings, would die for the sake of just one embryo that would have the same DNA as someone else.

  Cloning someone, at this present time, would be extremely dangerous to the birth mother and the clone. In studies done on cows, 4 out of 12 birth mothers died. There is a very high failure rate, which is showed in the cloning of Dolly. Even if you had a few good embryos, failures have been noticeable in animal tests.

So, should we work ahead in the world of cloning? I say no. The risks are greater than the benefits. It’s dangerous to the clone and to the birth mother. We would be killing human lives in the process. It would also be a violation(侵害) of the clone’s right to its own genetic identity and personality.

28. The author thinks human cloning is wrong mainly for ____ reasons.

   A. 2                 B. 3                      C. 4                      D. 5

29. According to the article, what is the author’s opinion about identity?

   A. Cloning itself gives parents great power over identity.

   B. People’s identity is completely determined by their genes.

   C. Government have the rights to confirm people’s identities.

   D. Cloning may prevent people from possessing their identity.

30. From Paragraph 4 we can infer that ______.

   A. human cloning is much more difficult than animal cloning

   B. Dolly is the most successful one among 200 sheep embryos

   C. cloning means running the risk of wasting too much effort

   D. numbers of baby animals are likely to be created by cloning

31. Why does the author mention some movies in the first paragraph?

   A. To introduce the topic of the article.   B. To present his idea about the movies.

   C. To state the conclusion.             D. To make the article unusual.


    A new factory that turns used wine bottles into green sand could revolutionize the recycling industry and help to filter(过滤)the nation's drinking water.

    For the last 100 years special high grade white sand quarried(开采)at Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire has been used to filter tap water to remove bacteria and impurities—but this may no longer be necessary.

    The green sand has already been successfully tested by water companies and is being used in 50 swimming pools in Scotland to keep the water clean.

    Backed by one million pounds from the European Union and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(Defar), a company based in Scotland is building a factory to turn beverage bottles back into the sand from which they were made.

    The idea is not only to avoid using up increasingly scarce sand in Scotland and avoid any further quarrying but also to solve a crisis in the recycling industry. The UK uses 5.5 million tons of glass but recycles only 750 000 tons of it.

    Howard Dryden, the scientist and managing director of the company has spent six years working on what he calls Active Filtration Meadia, or AFM, the recycled glass. He says he needs bottles that have already contained drinkable liquids to be sure that drinking water would not be polluted.

    "The fact is that tests show that AFM does the job better than glass, it is easier to clean and reuse and has all sorts of properties that make it ideal for other applications, "he claimed. He also thinks the market will be able to take 250 000 tones of green sand a year. The plan is to build five or six factories in cites in UK where the bottles come from to cut down on transport.

The factory will be completed this month and is expected to go into full production on January 14 next year. Once it is providing a "regular" product, the government's drinking water inspectorate will be asked to perform tests and approve it for general use by water companies.

32. It may no longer be necessary to use high-grade white sand to keep water clean because_____.

   A. white sand is being used up           B. A new factory has been set up

   C. there is no need to keep water clean     D. The green sand has been used to keep the water clean

33. According to the passage, the new idea can do the following except_____.

   A. cutting down the cost on transport         B. avoiding further quarrying of white sand

   C. solving the crisis in the recycling industry   D. avoiding using up increasingly scarce sand

34. The underlined word "Backed" in the third paragraph can best be replaced by"_____".

   A. Allowed             B. Opposed                  C. Supported            D. Forbidden

35. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Modern Technology and New Markets.    B. Unlocking the Benefits of Green Sand.

   C. Revolution in Environmental Protection.   D. Revolution in the Recycling for the Industry.




Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay.   36   Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmfare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 63 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie.   37   Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries.   38   The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.

  39   Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents.

Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films.   40   They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

A. Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B. There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C. Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

D. Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F. The result is a fun-filled musical.

G. So if you’re tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My name is Nick Vujicic, an Australian who was born without any limbs(四肢). In recent years one of my most   41   videos on YouTube shows my skateboarding, surfing, playing music, and best of all,   42   hugs from all fields of great people.

All in all, those are pretty ordinary   43   that just about anyone can do, right? So   44   do you think that video has been viewed millions of times? My theory is that people are   45   to watch it because in spite of my physical limitations, I’m living   46   I had no limits. 
    People often think someone   47   a severe disability to be inactive, upset, maybe even crazy. But I’d like to   48   them by showing that I lead a very adventurous and fruitful life.
    Among the hundreds of   49   on that video, here’s one typical remark: “Seeing a guy like this being happy makes me wonder why I feel   50   for myself sometimes - or feel not funny enough, or whatever. How can I   51   think thoughts like that when this guy is living without limbs and still being happy!?”

I found happiness when I realized that imperfect   52   I may be, I am the perfect Nick Vujicic. I’m designed   53   God’s plan. That’s not to say that there isn’t   54   for improvement. I’m always trying to be better so I can better   55   the world!

I do believe my life has no   56  . I want you all to feel the same way about your life, no matter what your challenges may be. As we   57   our journey together, please take a moment to   58   any limitations you’ve placed on your life. Now think about what   59   would be like to be   60   those limitations. What would your life be if anything were possible?

41. A. disappointing             B. unforgettable                   C. popular                           D. expensive

42. A. receiving                          B. collecting                        C. returning                         D. asking

43. A. sports                        B. activities                         C. duties                              D. wonders

44. A. how                          B. what                               C. when                                     D. why

45. A. drawn                              B. expected                          C. required                                 D. supposed

46. A. even though              B. in case                            C. as though                        D. so that

47. A. of                             B. from                               C. in                                   D. with

48. A. charge                              B. greet                               C. surprise                           D. persuade

49. A. comments                 B. pictures                           C. replies                                    D. choices

50. A. nervous                    B. sorry                               C. eager                              D. desperate

51. A. still                           B. ever                                C. otherwise                        D. even

52. A. if                              B. as                                   C. while                                     D. although

53. A. according to              B. in response to                  C. owing to                         D. in addition to

54. A. stage                         B. area                                C. situation                          D. room

55. A. protect                      B. rescue                             C. serve                               D. reserve

56. A. challenges                 B. limits                                     C. doubts                                    D. endings

57. A. break                        B. continue                          C. begin                              D. stop

58. A. worry about              B. think about                      C. care about                       D. talk about

59. A. we                            B. one                                 C. it                                    D. you

60. A. free of                       B. devoted to                       C. aware of                          D. worried about



    If the population of the Earth keeps on   61   (increase) at its present rate,there will   62 (eventual) not be enough resources left to support life on the planet. By the middle of the 21st century,if present trends continue,we   63   (use) up all the oil that drive our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded   64   (condition) on Earth will make it necessary   65   (look) for somewhere else. But   66   of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution   67   the problem,  68  , has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagan believes that  69   the Earth’s resources   70   (exhaust) completely,it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and therefore create a new world almost as large as Earth itself.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节:短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Anish,

   Here are the information about Manchester University. It is about 200 miles of London and it has the very big schoolyard. You can live in the school or near the school. They have all sorts of course. I’m sure you will find one you like it. I know you are particularly interesting in human rights, so I will see that there is anything on their website. I will send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport when you arrived. You met him a few years ago, but he’s changing a lot since then. Don’t worry. He can recognize you.

   Both your aunt and I look forward to seeing you again.



第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)

假如你叫李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过春节(the Spring Festival)。请你给你的外教Lucy写封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:

1. 邀请原因;

2. 活动:包饺子,表演节目等;

3. 出发及返回的时间。


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